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I like this game but there are some things I want to tell.

Well first score system is not obvious for somebody new. Maybe Metal Slug had similar but I was surprised when while playing 2 time I saved more kids and get lower score. On my firs run I didn't save any because I was struggling with boss. On second run I had saved 6 of them and still got lower in top players. Apparently there is combo based system. It is a small thing but I think you should be open what is giving more score.

Second one is that when teaching control game is like you can do this this and this. Go. No tutorial or even try to do it yourself. I guess it is for imitating arcade games but arcade controls are displayed while showing movements to player that will play it on keyboard or game-pad.

Third one is that you need to press coin button. Again I guess is for imitating arcades but I don't understand why do it on PC.

This is 3 things I think could be better or worse, but overall I would buy this game today if there was a full version and if it was priced adequately. 

Control is not complicated so you can pick it on the fly, score system you can learn by observing what the game is doing and pressing the coin button is not a serious issue if you played any arcade games on MAME.

Thanks for addressing some issues you had with the game!

The scoring system itself is fairly straightforward, though it's mainly the combo system that is responsible for giving you bonus extra points if you're precise with your shots or not. Still, this system is indeed not very well explained nor motivates the players to use it, so I'll be sure to put more in-game focus on this scoring mechanic!

I agree that the controls, as they are right now, are not very well explained, and that was mainly due to the 2 player coop having both their own keymapping. Still, I'll try and find a better and clearer way to instruct the controls in a future update!

The credit input is more or less a way for players to give themselves a challenge by choosing how many credits they'd want to play with, and it was also a way to strengthen the 'arcade game played on emulator' vibe (like the Neo Radium screens, taking inspirations from emulators like Kawaks, Nebula, MAMe, etc.). So for the moment there are no plans to change this aspect of the game.

Still, I really appreciate your in-depth review of these apects! Either way, more changes will come in the future to make the game more and more accessible for players while also staying true to the arcade/emulator feel of it 👍


Me and my friend played all the Metal Slug Arcade games together; beat them and everything, So seeing this just really reminds me of those times. Solid game, I cannot wait to see the full thing finished.

Thanks for liking the game so far!


This game is a lot of fun!!! The controls feel really tight and responsive, and the gameplay itself is great. The UI and graphics are so well made it really feels like I'm in an arcade. 

Thanks! I'm really glad you appreciated the gameplay and arcade feel of it 👍


Dude all I gotta say is, you are a massive gigachad for making this, I haven't played a Metal Slug game since I was a kid and I loved the hell out of that series when I was younger, gameplay is smooth (although grenades feel a bit clunky and don't *feel* strong), gunplay could have that little turn that Metal Slug did when aiming upwards to shoot at 45degrees for a shot or two instead of instantly snapping but all in all, this brings back so much nostalgia I can't even explain it.


Thanks a lot for the kind comments!
Some aspects like the oxytanks are going to be reworked to feel and work way better than they did before, and it's possible that the core gameplay is also going to be tweaked to be more fun and unique in the future
Still, I appreciate that you liked the demo so much and I hope you'll look forward to future updates!


This definitely scratched my itch for metal slug, Such a great game and I cant wait for the full release 

Thanks for playing the demo!


加油 很好玩


I cant get past the insert credit part... I can open the menu and navigate it, but I cant select anything.

I suggest restarting the game and to look closely at the controls listed in the boot up screen,so that you know which keys to press to navigate and play the game as well as to change the keymapping in the options menu to your liking



(3 edits) (+1)

Metal Slug sequel. Very impressive work. I have never seen such beautiful pixel art like this project. The main gameplay works well as expected - and playing I feel all those vibes which I have known in my arcade rooms when I was a teenager. Well done. I wish you the best ++

Thanks for liking the demo! I'm glad the game was able to bring those arcade vibes to a couple of people haha
We'll try our best with the future of this project, thanks!

Deleted 1 year ago

The base game will play like a story campaign but without dialogue, with the characters going from places to places throughout the game 👍


Are you guys planning for stuff beyond the base game?


Some ideas have been thrown around for post-game content, but nothing is guaranteed as of now!


Se você é fã de Metal Slug, esse jogo vale muito a pena. Captura muito bem a essência e, na minha opinião, merece o título de sucessor espiritual da série. Espero ver mais em breve!

If you're a fan of Metal Slug, this game is worth every minute. It really captures the soul of the original and, imho, deserve the title of spiritual successor. Hope to see more soon!

Thanks for playing it!

(1 edit) (+1)

Loved the DEMO, kept smiling all through while I was playing, it really brought back the nostalgia.
My Chef's Kiss to this game is the fluent animations into the game play chopping the top and bottom sprites into one character for a seamless aiming and moving.

Also I loved the art style, I just have to give the animators credit because this kind of art style is usually difficult to animate and they killed it with the emotions they gave the characters.

Overall Awesome game, can't wait for updates.

Thanks a lot for the positive comments!
As the sole spriter/animator of this game, I'm flattered that you loved how the animations turned out haha
The game is slowly and steadily progressing, so thanks for looking forward to more updates!


You really captured the metal slug charm with this game. I was never good at the game but I must say I had fun with this demo and appreciate the pixel art you've done with the sprites! This game is a modern day nostalgic shooter!


Thanks for liking the demo and making a vid of it!


Yep yep anything that feels and looks like Metal Slug is a 10/10 in my book !


Thanks for saying so!


Ah, already reminds me of Metal Slug...

Glad it does!

(1 edit) (+2)

Very nostalgic game. Congrats!


Nice, thanks for playing it!


REALLY awesome pixel-art! This truly feels like a Metal Slug game. Great work!

(Although, I find it sad that the girls kill enemies, it'd be cooler if they just knocked them out or something)

Thanks for liking the game and the visuals so far!


Looks like Metal Slug. The art looks great and the feeling of the game is solid. 

The game is amazing overall, but you might get a word from SNK if you think about commercializing it.

Thanks for liking the game so far! 

As I mentioned at the start of the page, the content of the game is not final, and my goal is to continue changing things up and coming with my own ideas to make the game unique enough to properly commercialise it in the future without issues 👍


this is so good game bro

Thanks for saying so!

Do you know Kureiji Ollie?? I'm huge fan and you both speak Indonesian

(1 edit) (+1)

Come to think of it, Is this going to get an android release? has some select games that play pretty well and put the play store to shame in terms of content and storage.

If they found some way to make their own playstore, I'd absolutely make the move from Google play, apart from a small handful of games.

I can't guarantee the game is going to be ported on mobile as of now: my plan is to release it on PC and possibly Mac first and then see what could be done about the ports 👍


Sounds good, I'll keep a lookout


Sounds good, I'll keep a lookout


Who made this, such good work. I hope this becomes a hit

It was created by me and a few other people listed in the credits down below!


As far as I'm concerned,  this is a valid game to be in the MS canon, SNK needs to play this. I haven't played yet, but the story is solid and pairs up well if you think about how crazy and random MS was, and especially the fact that you knew other people were experiencing the effects of the battles, but weren't shown.

It looks good.


Thanks for thoroughly checking the game's story! The game is still set in its own universe rather than being connected to MS, and is more focused on having clueless protagonists trying their best to flee from remote armed troops
Still I appreciate that you think it is worthy of being MS canon! I hope you can play the demo it in the near future!




a really cool game. i feel like a MS Series.

Thanks for saying so!


hey dev try old joke in arcade it A## it change i like if you could fix it but i will buy if i cant A## that it cool but no guns kinda boring for me not like metal slug i l play crap out that i still buy if come on steam ok 


congratulations for the project, I felt like playing in an old arcade, the controls are a little confusing at first but after a while you get the hang of it, the pixelart animations are beautiful, congratulations really good!!!

Thanks for playing the demo and for the positive comments! I'm glad it could achieve its goal of playing like an arcade game haha


Wow! Metal Slug reboot.


The pixel art is fire !! 🔥🔥




You guys gonna add 2 male characters? because the roster in metal slug is 2 and 2 


and i dont mean this in like a negative way, just curious


The idea is to stick with 2 charas like MS1 for this game, mainly to avoid spending too much time developing reskins and instead work on the actual game 👍


Auto fire (rapid fire) wouldn't hurt.


I'll look into adding more accessibility options in the future, thanks for the feedback!


Very nice but challenging game, same as arcade classic "Metal Slug". Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 02:25:14. Automatic subtitles should be available soon (switch on, if necessary). Subscription to our YouTube or Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂


Alright, thanks for playing my demo!


This is beyond amazing! I really love the amazing pixel art style that screams nostalgia. Really looking forward for the progress of this game. I did notice the lack of blood sprites, I know they are not meant to be stone cold killers but just a little could do wonders in the visuals kinda like the prologue . I am very interested on what weapon varieties of weapons types you guys may implement!

Thanks for the nice comments about the graphics! Took some time, but I'm glad people like my spriting so far haha
About the blood, don't worry! I'll include some soft gore here and there for future versions of the game, I just didn't have the time to properly make some before the demo's release
Thanks for looking forward to the project still!

Looking forward to it!


I wish I could donate, but I'm beyond poor.  Looks great, and I really like how the artwork resembles the first two Metal Slug games.

No worries! Having people like you sharing their positive thoughts about the game mean just as much to me as a donation haha


Are you perhaps an average starset enjoyer?

Can't say I am, sorry haha


wait is this classic remake of game kinda looks like emtal slug

This isn't a remake of Metal Slug nor is it related to it; Aqua Ippan is its own thing but with direct inspirations from Metal Slug 1!

(3 edits) (+2)

i spent so, so many hours of my life in high school playing the early Metal Slug games through the MAME emulator (because as a young kid the arcades were far, far too expensive) and I am utterly stunned at the verisimilitude of the recreation / homage here. the backgrounds, the subtleties of the pixel art animation, the music’s instrumentation/arrangement, even mechanics like the precise bounce of rocket projectiles… you have been METICULOUS. absolutely incredible work. this is the same level of rigour and real love for the source material as the Alien: Isolation team showed for Alien.


Thanks for recognising the effort and love that's been poured into this project! While I'll probably deviate in some ways from the MS formula to make it more unique, I do hope Aqua Ippan can continue to please people as a similar game to MS1!


This looks so good! Def reminds me of Metal Slug. Would love to play a Mac version


Thanks for saying so! I'll definitely look more into making a Mac port in the future


great to hear


this remind me of metal slug



the game is perfect!! the gameplay and graphics are amazing!! great job!!

Thanks a lot for saying so!


this is so good, cant wait for full version :) nice work 

Thanks for looking forward to it!


Fun demo! The sprites and scenery all look great!

I died too many times... I am clearly out of practice. Gotta get my Metal Slug groove back for when the game is finally completed.

Thanks a lot for playing the demo and enjoying the spritework!
To be fair, the difficulty is set at 8 by default, so it's fair not to no-death run the stage on your first try haha

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