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I'm in love! Amazing work keep going. Good luck!!

"Tenkyu" - Hyakutaro Ichimonji 

Thank you very much for the support!


Aqua Ippan - Best Fan Made Metal Slug and Pays Homage To The 1995 Prototype Build

I Loved it give us moree!

Thanks for playing and making a vid out of it!


Hi, excuse me, I have a problem in the demo, it won't let me play. I played like 4 times and it got stuck in the controller customization menu and the screen started to flicker between the options and the start of the game and that and I get this message.


ERROR in action number 1

of Draw Event for object obj_pause_menu:

local variable diff_name(101806) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_obj_pause_menu_Draw_64


gml_Object_obj_pause_menu_Draw_64 (line -1)

Thanks for reporting your crash! By any chance could you provide more info on what happened?
Were you unable to back out of the controller settings after remapping your keys? If so, did you check if the newly mapped 'Jump/Back' key worked to get out?
The bug with the 'diff_name' variable is caused by an unrecognised difficulty setting; did you perhaps externally alter the difficulty level by accessing the config file and set it below 1 or above 8?


this is some sick metal slug inspired game i actually loved it 


Al intentar abrir el juego me dice un error:

No se encuentra el punto de entrada del procedimiento MFCreateDXGIDeviceManager en la biblioteca de vínculos dinámicos MFPLat.DLL.

Sabrán por qué no me deja abrirlo?, intente con las 2 últimas versiones

Thanks for your report! This seems to be a problem that happens to users with older OS like Windows 7, so aside from upgrading there's not much I can do unfortunately.
Although does the game gives you a 'OK' dialog box when the error happens? If that's the case, try clicking 'OK' a couple of times to see if you can bypass the error and still play the game.


No, no me deja hacer más nada, será pasarme a Windows 10 para jugarlo, gracias

(1 edit) (+1)

Not sure if it's just happening with me but some of the locations that you gotta shoot to make the item spawn are making my game crash after the item spawns. And then this shows:



ERROR in action number 1

of  Step Event0 for object obj_p1_projectile:

unable to convert string "fin" to int64

at gml_Object_obj_p1_projectile_Step_0


gml_Object_obj_p1_projectile_Step_0 (line -1)

This happens on the first and second lamp post at the beginning and on the second lamp post after the airplanes area. Not sure if there are more hidden spots with this issue, so I'll check out again to make sure.

UPDATE: The only other one I found out was the other lamp post after the airplaines area. Which confirms this is only happening on the lamp posts.


Thanks a lot for your bug report!
I've just uploaded a new v0.3.1 version of the demo that fixes that issue, it was merely an oversight with player projectile not recognizing strings.
Appreciate the help and thanks for checking out the project!


No problem! Keep up the good work!


Very well made. Im expecting a lot more features and it looks very promising!


Wow the art style, 10/10

I remember playing games like this looong time ago. Very distinctive. I like it

Steam page?


There's currently no Steam page for this game, but I do plan to one day set up one!


Nice game! I am also trying to make a game like this :)


Shoot shoot shoot.o(*^▽^*)o♪😉😉😉


It is Nice What Engine Did You Use To Make It


Thanks! I used GameMaker Studio 2 👍


fantastic work!!!


Thanks for the compliment!



here's our coverage of this game - looking forward to its full version!


The game closed with the following error:


action number 1

of Step Event0

for object obj_p1_oxytank:

local variable ceil_above(100754) not set before reading it.

at gml_Script_ent_nearest

gml_Script_ent_nearest (line -1)


This was in the second phase of the fight against TA Mappello throwing pumpkins

But I loved the project, Metal Slug was part of my childhood

Thank you very much for the detailed bug report! Thanks to it, I've been able to identify the problem and I'll be releasing a patch for the demo later today
Also thanks for playing the demo and liking it, despite the unfortunate bug 😅


Love the Halloween update and I also love how you've given the enemies so much personality. Keep it up.

Thanks for liking the update and for your support!

Deleted post





Thanks for liking the game so far!


I hope to see a native Linux version of this game, with an Appimage binary for ease-of-use and cross-distribution compatibility!.


I don't have any plans to port the game to Linux at the moment, but we'll see in the future!


Combine the aspect ratios in the next update. PLEASE…

This is something I'll be sure to look into later on 👍


Didn't finished the Stress Level 8 (Yea, a skill issue, gonna try to play to play on lower diff first...), but man, this game capture that Metal Slug vibes!


Glad you like the familiar MS vibes of the game! And thanks for playing it out, even if you didn't finish it haha


increible demo! 😊👍


Thanks for playing it!


mf this is metal snail


This is a really good game. I love the art style and the sound is just out of this world right along with the animations. This is a really good game. Cant wait for the full release.

(2 edits) (+1)

one question when will the multi -2 player co-op mode be added in future updates?

And how many stages and levels will you add in the game?

Co-op is already included in the demo! The player 2 controls are shown in the game's boot up screen, and by default the 2nd player can insert credits with 'N' and enter the game with '2'

About the amount of stages, the goal is to make 6 of them, but it's possible that it might change in the future


I see, well its just I havent seen a single youtube video that shows a co-op two player mode where Itou and Yena  both appear in the demo similar to the co-op 2 player mode in metal slug where its 2 players in a single game.

I think there is one or two gameplay videos in co-op mode on Youtube, but yeah I can understand why there's not more of them considering this is local co-op
Still you can check out the demo trailer to see the co-op in action if you want 👍

Yeah, I do see the co-cop two player mode in the demo trailer  though I wish someone could have submit more co-op two player mode videos on youtube, if you find some gameplay videos involving  co-op mode, show us the youtube links


There is this one, and I think I might've seen another one floating on the net (maybe on Bilibili):

Deleted 1 year ago

You're just a sexist scumbag, this all. :)


304x224@60HZ on a CRT
In Linux using Wine Proton with switchres

Wow, looks very nice on your CRT!
I also had a CRT to debug the game, but it didn't look as pristine as yours haha


Bang Olufsen MX8000
PC, Radeon R9 380 -> CRT using DVI-I to Scart with good quality shielded cables and tweaked geometry.

Aah I see, yeah I opted to use an HDMI to AV/RCA to display the game, though I might try to use a DVI-I to Scart one day 


It's all well done really but what are the differences with the Metal Slug IP as it seems awfully familiar in artistic direction AND gameplay...


As a huge fan of  MS: SV-001 and its prototype, I just wanted to make a game reminiscent of the series while also bringing in some different features, like the ally system, precision-based combo, etc.
I'm in no way trying to one-up what Nazca/SNK did with the MS series, really it's more of a passion project that I hope fellow fans can also enjoy
Though it's also just the demo, the rest of the game is being thoroughly designed to more and more branch out from the usual Metal Slug format and introduce more original features 👍


Cool! Thanks for the heads up! :)

You're welcome!

(1 edit) (+1)

Finally tried it, very cool! Level a bit easier than regular MS which is nice, but the boss destroyed me (and my continues ahah).

Watch out for quality of life, it's hard to wrap around your head around the controls and it's only displayed on launch, also there is no apparent way to quit the game except by killing the process.

But the game plays well!

Thanks for playing it out!
Glad you enjoyed it so far and I appreciate the feedback about the unorthodox controls, this is definitely something that I'll try to improve and better explain in future updates
As for the quitting the game, there is an actual Exit to Windows option but you need to be on the main title screens to access it, though this is something that could be added to all pause menus in later updates too
Cheers for the feedback again!


This is a demo I'd like to see as a finished game. The Metal Slug vibe comes across very well and that's a good thing.


Trying to figure out to force steam deck to play this game. it's ok. i'm just happy i'm able contribute just a little bit towards art.


The game is incredible, visually very well done. I wish there was a version for other home console platforms, 16 and 32 bits. PC gaming doesn't appeal to me. If you think about porting to consoles, I will be happy to help a little financially.


Thanks for the kind words!
I'd love to be able to retro port the game to NEO-GEO, but it is a very expensive and technically difficult process
Still, we'll see how the future of the project will go 👍


I feel the same way about wanting to play games on a console versus a PC.  My answer was to setup a mini PC to be used with controllers and output only to my TV. It's not a perfect solution but, it is working for me.

I also see a LOT of potential in this game. 

Feel also the same way. My answer was a getting a Steam Deck (allowed me to play all these retro games (and others lowbits, like the rpg maker scene) finally in a comfy and a 'right' way !


Me encanta!!!!!!! OwO




Amazing game! Everything from the smooth animations to the great and catchy music is spot on! It succeeds at replicating the old Metal Slug game feel, without being a total rip off, of course; Although it has many resemblances to Metal slug, it still its own thing.

Thanks a lot for liking the game so far! And thanks for thinking it's still its own thing, either way I'll be sure to continue improving several aspects of the game to reinforce that it's meant to be a different yet inspired project 👍

Something about character dying by jumping forward feels off. I would love to see more deaths animations from both sides of enemy and main character + new guns and enemies. I will definetly buy the game when it comes out.

Seriously no blood ? Are you kidding me ? Why you make such beautiful game without blood ?


As of update 0.2.0, soft gore has been added to the game and can be toggled on or off in the options 👍

Yea that would be cool too see lots of blood and characters exploding and in flames as in Metal Slug.


Haven't played yet, but this art omg is so beautiful!!! AHhh!

Thanks for saying so!


This pixel art is absolutely gorgeous, I'm in love


Thank you!


metal slug yippee!

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